AVS finalizes in California the launch of its first satellite into Space, LUR-1 Andrés Goñi May 29, 2024

AVS finalizes in California the launch of its first satellite into Space, LUR-1

One of the sectors where robotics and automation also makes strategic sense is aerospace. In this field, the Alava-based company AVS Added Value Solutions has recently become one of the main players in the sector, with disruptive projects such as ‘Lur 1’, the first satellite ‘made in Alava’ that its engineers have developed and which, if there are no surprises, will take off from California to space at the beginning of July. One of the SpaceX rockets will be in charge of launching it into orbit.

The company’s CEO, Miguel Angel Carrera, recently spoke to EL CORREO about this ambitious project and the rest of the proposals that AVS currently has deployed on its operating table at the Álava Technology Park. Among others, AVS recalled its current presence in explorations to Mars and the Moon, recalled the projects aimed at Earth observation and hoped that by 2030 it will be possible to see an AVS robotic vehicle on the lunar surface.

Since its foundation in 2006, AVS, an associate member of Robotekin, has established itself as a reference player in high value-added projects in markets such as Space, Fusion or Particle Accelerators. It exports practically all of its assets and has subsidiaries in the United States, the United Kingdom and France.

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