Knowing, listening and supporting the potential of those who are part of Robotekin is one of the objectives that our CEO, Erik Echaniz, has committed to lead in his first days of governance. The objective is none other than to form a ‘road map’ as complete and coherent as possible of our Association and analyze its influence in the fields of robotics and automation. In this sense, knowing first hand the keys and reflections provided by all the members of this ‘Hub’ will be decisive in the further growth of Robotekin.
Thus, and in the context of the program of personalized visits, Echaniz has recently learned about the reality of partners such as Larraioz, Automach or SMC, with whose managers he has shared interests and defined challenges and goals in pursuit of a common good. “From this active listening exercise that we have started with all the members associated to the ‘hub’ we can expect an increase in learning, an improvement in the competitiveness of our sector and a strengthening of the links between all the people who make up Robotekin”, said Echaniz.